A short summary of our Taiwan trip last week.
We found out about Leofoo Resort during our previous Taiwan trip a couple of years back and we knew that will be definitely a place to bring Fitzand to for a short trip. We got a room facing the area where the animals were and this is definitely a trip that Fitzand loves lots. He was complaining a lot when we left the resort for Taipei after 4 days because he wanted to stay longer.
The awesome thing about this resort is that apart from staying ‘close to the animals’ … there is a Leofoo Theme Park right next to it. That’s a pretty fun place for kiddos as there were lots of things for them to see, learn and play.
My little big boss!
The room as big! It has 2 large beds upstairs which ended up as Fitzand’s play area sometimes.
He asked for his ‘white camera’ and I thought he wanted to take photos of the (fake) lion. Instead … he went for self-portraits with it. Too bad I don’t have a wide angle lens on the cam. 😀
Outside the room were giraffes, zebras, rhinos, giant turtles, lemurs and a couple of other animals!
The most exciting and unforgettable activity … feeding lemurs!
Fitzand was a little afraid at first … as the crazy lemurs were climbing onto our shoulders, pulling us and jumping onto our heads.
Apart from the fun with animals … there were lots of activities for the kiddos. Fitzand patiently ‘designed’ his own bag while I sip coffee and took photos of him.
With a little help from Mommy to hold down the template.
Concentrating …
He insisted on 3 giraffes … ‘daddy, mommy & me!’
He got to make his own popcorn too!
It was pretty sunny that morning and we had fun play ‘wooden ball’. Not sure what you actually call it though. Fitzand played it like golf/hockey but luckily I didn’t get killed (by him). The wooden ball did hit my foot once though.
At the Theme Park, we took a train ride to check out the animals and then a safari bus to check out the tigers, bears and lions. It was fun!
Goat feeding time.
Kiddy rides!
Clowning around …
When were moved to the hotel in Taipei … Fitzand did miss the fun at the Leofoo Resort. I had to make sure I keep him happy and busy … with candies and lots of other fun. There was this place at a mall where we spent a couple of hours watching magic shows and playing games … while his mommy went shopping.
Fitzand had a blast playing games with other kids there. See how happy he was when he scored. Lol.
His first jacuzzi experience. He had so much fun watching Disney Channel! I was in there with him once … but on the 2nd day … he said ‘Daddy … it is better when you are not in here … because when you do … the water goes up’. Argh!!! I need to lose weight!
Slacking beside his bed. We stayed at The Tango in the executive suite which we paid about half the price for. Awesome room with lots of space for the little one to have fun.
I might still have some other photos … but maybe I’ll go through them when I have the time this weekend.