The much anticipated pretty new toy cameras from Lomography arrived at ThirtySix! The La Sardinas! I couldn’t decide on which one to buy and after some very (tough) consideration … I went for all four. 🙁 Why is it that difficult to decide? Well … unlike cameras like the Blackbird, …
Unboxing Tori
I shiver whenever I hear my name being called while waiting at a dentist queue but it is a totally different story when I hear my name being called while I’m busy pounding my keyboard at my work desk. Of course the voice (of the person calling my name) must …
Summer Is Here!
About a month (or was it two?) ago … while chatting with a friend about dressing up Holga cameras, she asked if I’d be interested to help her do one as a present for a friend of hers. While I usually do not like the idea of having deadlines for …
Making Diana’s Butts
Pretty often I get asked this question … “How did you ‘dress up’ the cameras? Any instruction? Any video?”. My answer is usually “I don’t know how to really explain how it is done but you just need patience (a lot of it!) and some concentration to get things done …
Swirly In The Soup
After being notified about my Lensbaby aperture disc design being one of the runner ups, I was contacted by for a short interview regarding it. For those wondering how those custom discs which made it in the list (and the awesome winning one) looks like, do check out the …
Panic! Yay!
I remember blogging about helping out a friend to photograph some of her amazing floral art work for submission to the International Floral Art 2010-2011 call for entries. Honestly … I don’t know crap about floral stuffs and I didn’t know such publication exists … until Noreen showed it to …
A New Home!
It was only last month that wifey told me that she’s got the contractor to come fix up a new cabinet to replace the ‘display wall’ I had in my study room. I used to like the display wall but I’ve got lazy and those photos there has been hanging …
Don’t Be Naked!
After seeing how more people are putting some effort to ‘dress up’ their cameras, I decided to start a page in Facebook to house images of the many wonderful, cool, crazy, weird, funky, cute or sometimes bizarre looking cameras … for everyone to enjoy. Was pretty surprised to find that …
Articulating LCDs? Nah!
Stumbled upon this super futuristic cool camera design and thought you guys might be interested to take a look at it. It is suppose to allow the user to take photos from all sort of angles. With this, people do not have to bitch about some new cameras not having …
About Mijonju
Michel aka Mijonju is a very interesting friend I got to know (strangely) through some Olympus E-P1 forum. His is a big crazy camera lover and of course from there, we got to be pretty good friends and did some double exposure collaborations together. I’m hoping we can meet …