fuzzyeyeballs 2.0

My lil cowboy

Guess I’ll only update my Lensbaby Diary tomorrow or during the weekend. Too tired to do anything now. Fitzand just went to bed a while ago and I’m here sipping Coke and decided to post this entry and upload few photos taken on Fitzand’s birthday last month. After the little birthday ‘party’ on the night before, I brought him to the local zoo for some fun in the sun. Unfortunately his mommy had to work, so I got our domestic helper to come along.

You’ll see him riding the different types of ‘animals’ in these photos because he wanted to change them every now and then. They charged us in blocks of 5 minutes … and didn’t mention that we were restricted to only on ‘animal’, so I guess it was fine to swap them every now and then. Hahaha! Maybe the next time the sign will read ‘ONE ANIMAL PER SESSION’.

Fitzand says it’s feeding time!

Fitzand had lots of fun that day but most of the photos are those taken at a small playground in the zoo. I had to carry or chase him most of the time while going around the exhibits, and hearing him go ‘tiger!!!!’, ‘zebra!!!!’, ‘giraffe!!!!’ etc. By the end of the visit, I could almost feel my old body cracking and crumbling. Nevermind. I survived.

Today is his first day at the childcare opposite our home. Our domestic helper’s 2 year contract is due, and she’ll go back to the Philippines for a month or two to visit her family. Fitzand has always been with her in mommy’s office (yeah, the shoplot where their office is, has a room for them), so once the helper is gone … we need someone to take care of Fitzand. Unfortunately I’ve yet to strike a big time lottery, else I’ll quit my job and spend a year or two taking care of him. 🙁

He did pretty well on the first day, and I can sense that he quite like going there to play with other kids and learning stuffs together. I heard that today, being the first day there … he did wanted to go home a couple of times and also had a hard time sitting still while the kiddos were having ‘lessons’. Well I guess it will take him a couple more days to get used to it.

I rushed back to pick him up after work and noticed a small ‘wound’ on the inner part of his lower lip. Not those serious ones, perhaps he fell or something he was playing with hit his lips. Nothing serious, just one of those ‘medals’ that kids are bound to own every now and then. The funny thing was … I bought him downstairs to a supermarket beside the childcare center to get him some Yakult, and when we passed by the childcare … two ladies ran to the window and said ‘hi’ to us and then immediately they tried to explain to me that they didn’t know how Fitzand hurt his lips. Oh yeah. Dammit! They must have thought I walked there to confront them about the small little cut. Hahaha! I always believe that kids getting minor injuries sometimes during play is fine. That’s how they will grow up to be stronger boys and girls.

Well … tomorrow is his 2nd day there and hope he grows to love going there more. Oh, btw … I was told he skipped breakfast today at the childcare because they served those yucky Quaker Oat. Eeew! I hate those too! Thank God we gave him bread and milk before going to the childcare.

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