fuzzyeyeballs 2.0

Fitz vs Fishy

My photos from the Fisheye2 camera has always been disappointing. Duh! Not wanting to give up (yet), I finally completed two rolls of negatives hoping some will turn out fine (or at least okay). One of the roll has been sitting in the FE2 for many months, so on the last day of the Chinese New Year break (after coming back to Singapore), I managed to finish it and loaded another roll while playing with Fitzand at the playground. Well that explains why there are so many photos of him in this set.

Some frames from these 2 rolls were wasted because Fitzand loves the FE2 camera and always wants to fire some shots when he sees me holding it. The reason why he loves the FE2 more than any other camera is because he’s always playing with a friend’s FE2 when we are out for dinners or drinks. (Pssst … Noreen … I’m sure you have lots of overexposed frames taken by Fitzand too … right?). Muwahaha!!! To prevent him from wasting too many frames, I usually let him use the MX button so that all the shots he take can be on a same frame, instead of letting him advance the film after each and every shot. He knows how to advance the film!!!

Most of the photos are taken with the ringflash because I realised my earlier FE2 photos are usually underexposed. I’ve to blame myself for those screwups because I hate going out in the hot bright sun nowdays. Hehe. However, lighting in these two rolls still was far from perfect. The sun wasn’t cooperating when we were out in the park & playground and somehow the ringflash didn’t seem to help much. Maybe I’ll try shooting without the white ring (diffuser?) next time.

Too tired to finish scanning the rolls, so here are those shots with Fitzand as my ‘model’ only.

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